Logo and Business Card – Before and After
Posted on: September 1, 2016
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Diane Kutz of Modern Concept Media came to Laura’s Design Studio requesting a new logo and business card. There was nothing wrong with her old logo and business card but she wanted a logo that represented the way she produces video for her small business clients. Diane shoots video with an iPhone. Other video companies use very expensive video cameras that keep the cost of producing videos too high for budding companies. She then edits the video on an iPad, adds voice over, music and graphics similar to other video producers. After having this conversation with Diane, the design of the logo began. I started with the rectangular shape of the logo, similar to the shape of the video it produces on an iPhone. From there I modernized it to reflect how videos are seen on the web with the play button and black “L” brackets to enlarge a video. We also added some of the color bars used in adjusting color balance.
Now that the logo was complete, I started on the design of the business card. I like to use the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid). I like using the front of the business card for the logo and contact information. I also like to keep it as concise as possible so you can use larger fonts so people can read it without a magnifying glass. For the back we repeated the design of the logo and put the other services Diane offers.
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