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Graphic Design Mistake #5 – Not having a brand guide for your business

This is 5 of 10 graphic design mistakes business owners make and how to fix them.

Why it’s bad: Not having a brand guide is often the reason that business owners don’t know their colors, fonts, and other details that represent their image to their target market.

Imagine you want to place an ad in a prominent magazine that will reach thousands of prospective clients and the cost of the ad includes the design the ad.  When the magazine’s graphic designer asks for your logo, your colors, your fonts, your tagline, etc. – what are you going to say?

How to fix it: Contact your designer or engage a reputable designer to help you.  Remember, putting together a brand guide is work, so do expect to pay a fee for this service.  This guide will tell you how to use your logo and what is the smallest size it can be seen. You will also know your fonts, colors, tone of voice, types of photography to use, and any other instructions for your brand.


#6 is coming next week…

See graphic design mistakes business owners make #4

See graphic design mistakes business owners make #3

See graphic design mistakes business owners make #2

See graphic design mistakes business owners make #1