Graphic Design Mistake #7 – Not listing your services or what you do on your business card
This is 7 of 10 graphic design mistakes business owners make and how to fix them.
Why it’s bad: Not every business name explains what the company does. Plus, companies tend to offer far more services that can be explained in a name. If you don’t list your services on your business card and other marketing materials, how will potential clients know that you are exactly who they need?
How to fix it: Use your space creatively. For business cards, use the front and back of the card. The added design and printing costs are minimal and worth the value of clearly communicating what you can do for your clients. You can also add a clever tagline that entices your audience to contact you.
#8 is coming next week…
See graphic design mistakes business owners make #6
See graphic design mistakes business owners make #5
See graphic design mistakes business owners make #4
See graphic design mistakes business owners make #3